Embrace the Present: Mindfulness for the Real World

Welcome to a journey where imperfection and reality intersect with mindfulness.

This isn't about achieving a state of perfection but embracing life as it unfolds, moment by moment. If you find yourself snatching moments of peace between the hustle of daily commitments, you're in the right place. Inspired by personal transformation and the practical application of mindfulness, I'm here to guide you toward embracing the present — in all its untidy glory.

Whether you're navigating the rush of daily tasks or seeking to integrate the beauty of nature's cycles into your life, my memberships offer a gateway to mindfulness that respects your time and your journey.

Are you ready to explore mindfulness in a way that fits your life? Join today and start your journey of present-moment awareness and exploration.

Lorna Gell holistic life coach is stretching her shoulders gripping each elbow above her head. Her blonde hair is in waves and she is wearing a cream cardigan.

Mindful Moments provides live, bite-sized meditations for those precious pockets of time, and Ebb and Flow invites you to connect deeply with the rhythms of the natural world. Both are designed with you in mind: a busy woman wanting a moment’s peace without a massive to do list to get there.